SEM Imaging & Spectroscopy

3View System
Automate sectioning and image capture of your 3D ultrastructure using serial block-face scanning electron microscopy.
The 3View® system allows high-throughput, high-resolution imaging of a wide variety of samples in 3D. 32k x 24k image support and high-performance stages allow fully automated high-speed imaging of many different types of samples.
- Serial block-face imaging minimizes errors and distortions found when using focus ion beam imaging or traditional serial section imaging
- Large format image support (32k x 24k) allows you to collect very large images to minimize the amount of time wasted waiting for stage motion when imaging very large regions
- <50 nm X, Y stage repeatability allows multi-region imaging without losing data due to imprecise stage motion
- 15 nm Z section thickness without the need to unblur multi-kV images
- High-performance OnPoint™ backscattered electron (BSE) detector allows high-speed imaging at low kV, without giving up image quality

MonoCL4 System
World-leading cathodoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy system compatible with conventional, low vacuum or field emission SEM, combined FIB/SEM, and ion microscopes.
The MonoCL4™ system is the leading cathodoluminescence (CL) microscopy system for scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and electron probe microanalyzers (EPMA). Its supremely efficient collection and detection ensures the ultimate performance in sensitivity and spatial resolution from a wide range of bulk and nanoparticle samples.
- Reveal more than just morphology and compositional information
- Optical, electronic and crystal defect properties of semiconductors
- Phase and geochemical changes in rocks, minerals, and ceramics
- Surface plasmon (optical) properties of metallic nanostructures (plasmonics)
- Inter- and intra-molecular structure of organic materials
- Designed from the ground up for cathodoluminescence microscopy, seamlessly integrating into an electron microscopy environment, and compatible with all major brand SEM
- Ultimate sensitivity and spatial resolution across a broad range of wavelengths from deep UV to near infrared using achromatic collection optics with optimized collection efficiency and minimum optical losses using direct optical coupling
- Analyze sensitive or weakly emitting materials fast and with full confidence utilizing the highest efficiency panchromatic imaging mode (total light with spectral filtering, if required) and fast spectroscopy detector option
- Optimize hardware and software capabilities for specific applications with fully customizable and upgradeable basic instruments from Gatan
- Compatible with Gatan’s range of cryogenic stages and SmartEBIC products

MiniCL System
Cathodoluminescence imaging compatible with all scanning electron microscopes or microprobes.
Simple to use cathodoluminescence imaging system for use in scanning electron microscopes (SEM) and electron probe microanalyzers (EPMA). The MiniCL™ system is sensitive to luminescence from most geological specimens, and the detector is positioned close to the specimen boosting detection efficiency.
- Sensitive to ultraviolet, visible and near infrared wavelengths enabling panchromatic cathodoluminescence imaging of a wide range of minerals, ceramics, and LED materials
- Cathodoluminescence images at a spatial resolution higher than bench-top flood gun systems
- Use at all SEM magnifications to reveal macro- and micro-texture in sedimentary rocks including: sediment source, degree of compaction, diagenetic history, differentiation of authigenic and detrital minerals, cementation history, and provenance
- Convenient use with other SEM detectors including: secondary and backscattered electron detectors and energy or wavelength dispersive X-ray detectors
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