TEM Imaging & Spectroscopy

GIF Quantum Energy Filters
High throughput spectrometers to capture highly detailed data from your EELS and EFTEM experiments.
The GIF Quantum® filter represents the fourth and most advanced generation of post-column energy filters by Gatan. Redesigned from the ground up, the GIF Quantum filter combines advanced dodecapole-based electron optics with a blazing fast CCD camera system to yield an imaging filter that defines the new state-of-the-art in the capture of both highly detailed electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy-filtered transmission electron microscope (EFTEM) data sets with maximum throughput.
- No compromise between EFTEM and EELS performance. Patented sensor readout architecture allows the same CCD sensor to be used interchangeably as a full-frame, high quality imaging device, a high speed live viewing device, and an ultra-fast spectroscopy device
- Aberration correction up to the fifth order allows the use of a 9 mm entrance aperture for EFTEM and 5 mm entrance aperture for energy loss spectroscopy at performance specifications superior to that of the third generation GIF Tridiem® filter
- Acquire images and spectra with unprecedented exposure control and dynamic range using integrated electrostatic shutter
- High speed (1000 spectra/s), dose-efficient scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) EELS spectrum imaging for detail rich mapping
- Large field of view energy filtered imaging, mapping, and diffraction with narrow slit widths using 9 mm entrance aperture
- Improved collection efficiency for aberration corrected STEM EELS using 2.5 and 5 mm entrance aperatures
- Low noise imaging and high speed viewing from the same detector during dual-speed camera readout mode
- Broad range of operating modes and configurations from 60 – 300 kV
- Capture a broader range of edges (2000 eV range) in a single spectrum for simplified quantification
- Effortlessly measure precise energy shifts and apply advanced quantification routines for a new level of EELS analysis using DualEELS™ capability
- Increased confidence that imaging filter is operating at peak performance with advanced autotuning
- Outstanding energy resolution and very low image distortions using dodecapole-based optics
GIF Quantum SE system—Ideal for efficient filtered imaging and mapping while providing basic EELS support, and for tomography and beam sensitive samples when outfitted with a low dose scintillator. System comes standard with a 5 mm entrance aperture and the base performance of the Gatan US1000XP/FT camera system.
GIF Quantum ER system—System of choice for STEM EELS acquisition and fast EFTEM mapping from a broad range of electron sources. System comes standard with a 9 mm imaging aperture, STEM detector, electrostatic shutter, and the advanced modes of the US1000XP/FT camera system.
GIF Quantum ERS system—Highest energy resolution system available. Suitable only for monochromated electron sources. System comes with the same options as the GIF Quantum ER filter but also includes specialized electronics and components allowing it to break the 100 meV barrier.
For more information pertaining to EELS techniques, step-by-step instructions on analytical experiments, and access to downloadable spectra, please visit EELS.info, an educational site that is dedicated to supporting the EELS community.

K3 Camera
K3™ is the new imaging performance benchmark for direct detection cameras. Redesigned from the ground up, this true next generation camera is optimized for the most demanding low-dose applications in both life science and materials science research. The K3 camera is the complete and latest expression of Gatan's deep experience in the delivery of real-time, single electron counting direct detection cameras.
- Powerful inline signal processing will raise the DQE beyond that of the K2 camera
- Optional inline, GPU-based motion correction avoids the need to save terabytes of raw frames
- Larger
- 24 megapixels (5,760 x 4,092) field of view – 1.6 times the size of the K2 camera
- Faster
- 1,500 full frames per second – 3.75 times the speed of the K2 camera
The many early adopters who already purchased the K2 camera with a K3 upgrade will receive the GPU option for free as our appreciation for their trust in Gatan.
Insist on the highest performance camera and discover how the K3 will continue the tradition of breaking boundaries in cryo-electron microscopy – year after year.

K2 Direct Detection Cameras
Cryo-EM is being led by the K2 camera that offers a "frame rate 10x higher than other detector brands” and produces “a DQE as high as 80%.”
“At present only the Gatan K2, when operated in counting mode, can produce a DQE(0) as high as 80% in conjunction with reasonably small exposure times. The K2 detector frame rate is about 10 times higher than that available with the two other detector brands.”– Subramaniam, S., Kuhlbrandt, W. & Henderson, R. (2016). IUCrJ 3, 3-7.
The K2 Summit® electron counting direct detection camera is simply the highest performance detector available for cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The unmatched frame rate of this direct detector allows electron counting modes to improve both contrast and resolution for large and small molecules alike.
- Only the K2 Summit can produce a DQE as high as 80%
- First to identify ground-breaking structural discoveries using cryo-EM
- K2® XP sensor provides the highest performance sensor for both resolution and contrast
- Superior detective quantum efficiency (DQE) means better science
- Image samples below 500 kDa at high resolution
- Reliably resolve differences with heterogeneous samples
- Higher quality cryo-tomography
- Super-resolution mode means 4x larger area in one image

OneView Camera
Winner of the 2015 Microscopy Today Innovation Award. The ONE camera to capture 16 MP images and video in all your TEM applications.
- Extends 4k x 4k camera leadership for imaging and in-situ data capture
- Always have a “live” experience with 25 fps at full 4k x 4k resolution, no compromise to resolution between viewing and recording images
- Guarantee optimal image quality with real-time drift correction and outlier removal using in-line data processing
- Detect single electrons with highest signal-to-noise ratio using the most sensitive scintillator and fiber optics available
- Extend the dynamic range beyond 16-bits, no beam stop required
- Increase productivity, even for novice users, with intuitive, built-in workflows to support and optimize recording modes
- Available as the primary camera for TEMs manufactured by FEI*, Hitachi High Technologies, and JEOL
In-situ option
- Flexibly trade-off resolution against frame rate—from 4096 x 4096 pixels at 25 fps to 512 x 512 pixels at 300 fps, always at 100% duty cycle
- Video buffer allows you to capture only the video you want; with post-event triggering with LookBack feature
- Never miss the start of an in-situ reaction again
- Tailor videos to your unique applications with powerful post-processing tools

Rio Camera
Gatan’s latest CMOS camera that with its resolution, speed, and ease of use will revolutionize electron microscopy.
Introducing Rio™, Gatan’s newest CMOS camera that will revolutionize your transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experience across all applications. With Rio, you no longer have to choose between field of view, resolution, speed, and sensitivity. With Rio, you get it all. Lens or tapered fiber optic coupled cameras lose most of the light coming from the scintillator. Rio’s newly optimized scintillator and 1:1 fiber optic coupling maximize light generation and collection. Rio – the clear new performance benchmark for scintillator cameras up to 200 kV operation.
- High sensitivity: Newly optimized scintillator and 1:1 fiber optic coupling. Gpixel CMOS sensor with 100% duty cycle and ultra- low readout noise.
- High resolution: 9 µm pixel, optimal for 30 – 200 kV operation
- Large field of view: Up to 16 megapixels (4k x 4k)
- High speed: Up to 20 4k x 4k resolution frames per second and 160 1k x 1k frames per second
- Easy to use: Gatan Microscopy Suite® technique panels for simplified experimental interaction
- Flexible: Use Rio across many applications, including routine EM, HREM, in-situ, diffraction, 4D STEM, and more
- All Rio cameras come standard with drift correction and full resolution image display at live frame rates
- Automatically compensate for column, holder, or specimen drift when recording images
- Live, full resolution display: Eliminates yesterday’s need for separate View and Acquire modes, and the full resolution information can be displayed in Fast-Fourier transforms in real time
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